KLUB Broj članova: 10029 | Ukupno online: 3
- Želim se učlaniti Ne sjećam se lozinke
Objavljeno: 13. siječnja 2004. 00:48h
Budući da nemam vlastitu opremu, a htio bih na Sljeme čim se stvore pravi uvjeti za skijanje, molim da mi nabrojite najbolja mjesta u Zagrebu za najam skijaške opreme.
hvala svima na odgovorimaObjavljeno: 13. siječnja 2004. 07:21h
Keindl Sport, Ilica
Žuti Mačak, servis je na ravnicama, poslovnica u Martićevoj
Max-Sport, FerenščicaObjavljeno: 18. veljače 2004. 16:39h
ispravak poslovnica je u palmoticevojObjavljeno: 24. veljače 2004. 09:49h
Žuti mačak servis i rent, V. ravnice br. 4, 098 784 394 ili Palmotićeva 23 (info na 4880 610)Objavljeno: 24. veljače 2004. 11:20h
je, je sorry...
Mozes jos rentat i u Hrvoje sportu kod Peveca, ali se ogradujem jer sam eto po grupama cuo zaista lose dojmove.
Iako, koliko cujem i zuti macak je sa ovim boot fittingom plasirao tesku obmanu i floskulu! naime oni koliko imam zadnju informaciju uopce ne rade boot fitting...Objavljeno: 24. veljače 2004. 13:07h
Tony iz USA
Žuti Mačak does have bootfitting. I am the one who does it, and with 15 years of experience, I can fix any problem, (except for boots that are 2 sizes too big). Not sure where you got your info?Objavljeno: 25. veljače 2004. 12:14h
Goran Razic
" Žuti Mačak does have bootfitting. I am the one who does it, and with 15 years of experience, I can fix any problem, (except for boots that are 2 sizes too big). Not sure where you got your info? "
(Gost Tony iz USA)
I was in Zuti macak's SKI service and man told me that you didn't buy some machine for bootfeeting, from ELAN!?? Is it truth or he is funny guy!?? He also told me that anyone can fix problem with SKI boots (!?) at home. A little bit warming, a little bit wareing and that's it, not big deal! I'm pretty shure that' s not truth but....
P.S. How did you understand this post!? Is Christian your translator or what!? Welcome to our new SKI web portal.
:-)Objavljeno: 25. veljače 2004. 13:47h
" Žuti Mačak does have bootfitting. I am the one who does it, and with 15 years of experience, I can fix any problem, (except for boots that are 2 sizes too big). Not sure where you got your info? "
Well, that is a really good news.
Unfortunatelly, the information, as you have already probably read, came from inside Zuti Macak itself.
I appologise for missinforming the public, but as the information came from your own office, I logically assumed it was official...
Objavljeno: 25. veljače 2004. 15:20h
Objavljeno: 13. travnja 2004. 23:15h
Bootfitting can be done many ways, and does not require a specific machine. The machine you refer to is a sysem developed by all manufacturers of boots going by many names, as in Form Fit, Heat Fit, Self-Molding, itd.... This system is designed to work on new boots and retail stores are "supposed" to have these in there store at the point of purchase. Zuti Macak will have this system next season, but it is use would have a fee for those not purchasing boots at our location, and will be used for all boots bought in our store.
As to beaing able to do bootfitting at home that is not completely true. You can use a low temperature hair drier to warm the inside to do what the "machines" do, but this must be done carefully as the liner is sensitive to temperature and can melt if over-heated. It should be said that this machine is not a "bootfitting" machine. Real bootfitting involves much more than simply heating the liner and saying "evo ga!". issues like ankle pain, toe pain, excessive pressure in one area or another, problems with blood circulation, the list goes on, are more serious and require very specific knowledge to fix. This brings me back to doing bootfitting at home. A person with the right supplies/tools, and the right knowledge, can fix there boots at home, no problem. If you do not know how to fix your problem or do not have the necessary supplies/tools, then you should not try to fix problems at home. A basic concept, but worth saying.
I will post more information on this subject in the fall.
Thanks, Tony
Zuti Macak
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